I asked a dermatologist and a microbiologist how dirty our bath towels can get. Very, as it turns out. And don’t get them started on hand towels…

I have a sneaking suspicion I might be doing towel hygiene all wrong. Of course, I’ve always vaguely known I ought to wash them, but I’ve never had a sense of how often. I have been very haphazard with that chore.

Clothes, underwear, socks, bed linen I know about – and can feel the grime building – but towels … well, aren’t we clean when we get out of the bath or shower? And aren’t we using hand towels just after we’ve rinsed our hands? Surely towels can’t get that dirty, unless you’re also using them to wipe the kitchen floor or tend to your wet dog.

It’s not just me who is clueless. Earlier this year a survey of 2,200 UK adults by a shower company Showers To You found that 44 per cent of those asked, said they would wash their towels after three months or more (no judgement, but this seems quite a long time even to me…). Nearly one in five surveyed said they washed their towels once a month (this sounds a bit more like it?), a quarter said once a week (impressive).

Those wildly different responses have left me even more confused. So what’s the right approach to towel hygiene in the home? I asked experts for their verdict.

‘A breeding ground for bacteria’

As it turns out, a human towel is like Alton Towers for bacteria. A lot of fun can be had.

“Towels can be the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, providing the essential water and nutrients from skin cells and body fluids in a comfortable warm home environment,” says Dr Christine Peters, a consultant clinical microbiologist. “To start off, frequency of washing depends on the level of contamination.

“Hand towels that are used in toilets get heavy usage and are likely to get contaminated with faecal bacteria – not everyone washes their hands perfectly. This is especially the case with children. The more people that share the towels, the higher the likelihood of sharing around bacteria which will be multiplying over time. I would tend to change these towels at least daily in a family setting – but always fresh towels for visitors.”

Ok, so hand towels are disgusting, especially because people don’t seem to wash their hands properly. But what about the towels we individually use for our nice, soaped, torsos? “Bath and shower towels can also be contaminated,” says Peters, “because while we are ‘clean’ we are not sterile – there are still plenty of bacteria rubbed off with skin cells on to the towel material. This can be especially important if you are trying to get rid of MRSA in a household setting, and then washing towels after every use can be important in breaking the chain of transmission.”

What would Peters do with her bath towels at home? “Personally I would try to wash every couple of days, but I’ve certainly been in circumstances where this is not possible.” Where washing bath towels this frequently is too tricky, doing it at least once a week is sensible.

However, any towel used at the gym you should definitely wash after every use. Not only are your gym towels covered in sweat, but they can also come into contact with lots of airborne bacteria. If you’re using a towel to wipe sweat, it’s important to wash it regularly because as you sweat, you shed skin cells and bacteria onto the towel.

If left unwashed for too long, towels can be harder to decontaminate, even when they do make it into the washing machine. Detergent is not always enough to kill bacteria, especially when we’re talking about really dirty and damp towels. There, germs might well have enjoyed the perfect conditions to thrive and breed to the point where only a very hot wash of above 60°C will do any good.

Make sure your towel dries properly

“If towels remain warm and damp between use, they are great breeding grounds for bacteria, yeasts and fungi, which won’t help with keeping our bodies clean and can result in unpleasant smells,” says Dr Abha Gulati, consultant dermatologist at The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic.

“It is better to air-dry towels before putting them in the washing basket if you can’t wash them straight away as they will continue to grow bacteria while they are damp which can transfer to other clothes in the washing basket and in the washing machine.”

Dr Peters says that spores in the air land on damp towels, which make them “the perfect environment to thrive”. Making sure your towel dries properly (finally a compelling reason to present to that partner or housemate who leaves them in a heap on the floor) will make a big difference to hygiene. “That musty smell of damp towels is familiar to anyone without somewhere to dry off towels after use,” says Peters. “Very unpleasant to reuse and also not great for allergies.”

Sharing towels: Yes or no?

It depends. “When we use towels to dry ourselves we transfer some of our skin microbes onto the towel,” says Dr Gulati. “This is not a problem for us because it is from our normal good microbiome, but if we share towels with someone else, who will have their own microbiome signature, we risk spreading unwanted bacterial and fungal infections. This is especially important if you have skin conditions like eczema, acne or rosacea, where the skin is broken or has impaired barrier function. It can also be a problem for individuals with impaired immune systems who are more susceptible to infections than others.”

Dr Peters doesn’t advocate towel-sharing, but says that the very act of sharing a household means sharing micro flora, and that towels are just one aspect of this. We can’t keep our bacteria to ourselves, and unless we are unwell or have an infection, for most people it might not be so bad if they share a towel. “But for anyone who is immune-suppressed,” she says, “it would be important to be scrupulous with towel hygiene by not sharing with others and washing as frequently as daily.”

All this towel-washing is all very well, but many of us have environmental and financial concerns about using the washing machine quite so often. The experts advise that it is better to wash regularly on a low temperature, than at high temperatures once in a while. On that note, I’m off to wash my towel, because I don’t know exactly how many weeks it’s been, and by now, the bacteria must be having the time of their lives.

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